Kunst für das Lehramt für Förderpädagogik mit dem Schwerpunkt Inklusion (L5)

Art for the Teaching Degree in Special Needs Education with a Focus on Inclusion (L5)

From the winter semester 2025/26, it will now also be possible to study art for the teaching degree in special needs education with a focus on inclusion.


Nachwuchsprojektförderung für Thanh-Giang Nguyen

Young talent project funding for Thanh-Giang Nguyen

Hessen Film & Medien supports "The Fever" (20,000 euros) by Thanh-Giang Nguyen as a newcomer project.


Politisches Feuilleton – Deutschlandfunk Kultur

Political features - Deutschlandfunk Kultur

Professor Daniel Hornuff (Kunsthochschule Kassel) on "Hate and Speed - The Destructiveness of Acceleration".


SENTIMENT: Sichere intime Kommunikation mit Chatbots

SENTIMENT: Secure intimate communication with chatbots

Prof. Joel Baumann (Kunsthochschule Kassel) is a partner in the BMBF-funded research project "Secure self-disclosure in intimate communication with dialog systems" (SENTIMENT).


Läuft im Hörspielmuseum: Trickreiches aus der Kunsthochschule

Animations from the Kunsthochschule are shown here

At the HÖR.SPIEL Museum in Kassel, students bring figures and sounds together.


Zentrum für Kreativwirtschaft (ZfKW) – Ort für Austausch, Vernetzung, Weiterbildung

Zentrum für Kreativwirtschaft (ZfKW) - a place for exchange, networking and further education

The Zentrum für Kreativwirtschaft (ZfKW) began its work in December last year.


Animationsserie zur Vermittlung politischer Bildung

Animation Series for Furthering Political Education

With “Knetball,” a science fiction animation series for 7-12 year olds, Max Holicki and Yannick are trying to foster civic education and understanding of democracy, already at an early age.


Zum Schnupperstudium an die Kunsthochschule

On the Schnupperstudium at the Kunsthochschule

From January 20–24 the Schnupperstudium provides young students the opportunity to get a taste of what it’s like to study at the Kunsthochschule.


Hans Haacke-Ausstellung in der Frankfurter Schirn

Hans Haacke exhibition at the Schirn in Frankfurt

The Schirn Kunsthalle is presenting a comprehensive retrospective of the German-American artist Hans Haacke.


Was mich antreibt: Der Einfluss der 68er auf Kunst-Ausstellungen

What drives me: The influence of '68 on art exhibitions

Kassel doctoral students and their topics | Johanna Wurz.
