Hessischer Filmpreis: „Starren“ gewinnt in der Kategorie „Bester Kurzfilm

Hessian Film Award: "Starren" wins in the "Best Short Film" category

Tianshu Yang and Xiaoxuan Yu's film "Starren" has won the Hessian Film and Cinema Award 2024 in the "Best Short Film" category.


„Planet Pubertät“ von Lara Rohde gewinnt den XR Science Award

"Planet Puberty" by Lara Rohde wins the XR Science Award

Lara Rohde was presented with the DIVR Science Award 2024 for her final project "Planet Puberty".


Philipp Lange zum Kurator der EXAMEN 2024 ausgewählt

Philipp Lange selected as curator of EXAMEN 2024

Philipp Lange is curating the graduation exhibition (11.-15.12.24) at the Kunsthochschule Kassel.


Nominierungen des Hessischen Film- und Kinopreises verkündet

Nominations for the Hessian Film and Cinema Prize announced

Once again this year, graduates of the Kunsthochschule Kassel are nominated for the Hessian Film and Cinema Award 2024


Neue Projektprofessorin Marije Vogelzang

New project professor Marije Vogelzang

In the winter semester 2024/25, designer Marije Vogelzang will take over the project professorship in the Product Design at the Kunsthochschule Kassel.


PLURALE - Festival der jungen Talente

PLURALE - Festival of Young Talents

The Kunsthochschule Kassel is a new partner in the PLURALE cooperation project, which is unique in Germany.


„Von dem, was bleibt“ für den Deutschen Menschenrechts-Filmpreis nominiert

„Von dem, was bleibt“ nominated for the German Human Rights Film Award

The documentary "Von dem, was bleibt" by Johanna Groß and Daniel Hellwig has been nominated for the German Human Rights Film Award.


Lena Hellmann gewinnt German Design Graduates Award 2024

Lena Hellmann wins the German Design Graduates Award 2024

Lena Hellmann received an award for her project "TAG" at the German Design Graduates Awards 2024.


Impulse für die eigene künstlerische Arbeit

Impulses for your own artistic work

Student Gahee Nam sold one of her exhibited works during this year's Rundgang of the Kunsthochschule Kassel (July 18-21).


Johannes Kastner gewinnt zweiten Preis beim James Dyson Award

Johannes Kastner wins second prize at the James Dyson Award

Industrial design graduate Johannes Kastner was runner-up in the James Dyson Award 2024 with his SOCIAL PLAST project.


Nachlass von Kay Heinrich Nebel

Estate of Kay Heinrich Nebel

Prof. Kai-Uwe Hemken examined the estate of Kay Heinrich Nebel.


Stadt vergibt erstmals Stipendien für Kunst‐Nachwuchs

City awards scholarships for young artists for the first time

The five scholarships for young artists from Kassel have been announced.


Szenografie der Moderne

Szenografie der Moderne

The first volume of a trilogy on curatorial scenography in the modern age has been published.


Rundgangpreise 2024

Rundgang prices 2024

This year's round prizes were awarded at the opening of the annual exhibition of the Kunsthochschule Kassel (18.07.24).


Kunsthochschule und documenta: Neue Bestände des UniArchivs geben Einblick

Kunsthochschule and documenta: New holdings of the UniArchive provide insight

Why did the city of Kassel establish itself as the location for the world's most important exhibition of contemporary art?


Der Blick ins Körperinnere

A look inside the body

The visual design of the print and online media for the annual exhibition 2024 of the Kunsthochschule Kassel was conceived and realized by Michelle Haupt, Karin Grünwald, Shirin Krastel.


Das UniArchiv ruft zur Mithilfe auf

The UniArchive calls for help

We are looking for people who studied or worked at the Gesamthochschule Kassel between 1971 and 2003.


Die historische Architektur der Kunsthochschule Kassel

The historical architecture of the Kunsthochschule Kassel

The student research team of the Art History and Aesthetics (Prof. Kai-Uwe Hemken) is dedicated to the architecture of the Kassel Art Academy.


Vom Prototypen bis zur Serie

From prototype to series production

With CSC SYS 50 (Festool), Kunsthochschule Kassel graduate Dominic Ender designs the world's first mobile circular table saw with electric height and angle adjustment.


Wir trauern um Josefine Döring

We mourn the loss of Josefine Döring

We were shocked to learn of Josefine's death.


Kasseler Kunstpreis 2024: Preisträger:innen stehen fest

Kassel Art Prize – Dr. Wolfgang Zippel Foundation

In 2024, the Kassel Art Prize of the Dr. Wolfgang Zippel Foundation will be awarded to Nils Reuter in the field of visual arts and Luca Alessandro Hettling in the field of music.


Democracy First – eine Kampagne für Demokratie

Democracy First - a campaign for democracy

Democracy First - a campaign for democracy aims to motivate people to take action,


 Jahrestagung der KHK an der HfG Offenbach

Annual conference of the KHK at the HfG Offenbach

The presidents, rectors and chancellors of the KHK member universities met from May 15 to 17 for the 2024 annual conference of the Kunsthochschulenkonferenz (KHK).


Mounira Al Solh stellt im libanesischen Pavillon der Biennale aus

Mounira Al Solh exhibits in the Lebanese Pavilion at the Biennale

For the 60th International Art Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia - the Lebanese pavilion has invited the artist Mounira Al Solh to build a bridge between ancient myth and reality.


2. Lithografie-Kolloquium „QUO VADIS SAXA LOQUUNTUR“

2nd Lithography Colloquium "QUO VADIS SAXA LOQUUNTUR"

Ulla Wallbach, head of the workshop for lithography and intaglio printing at the Kunsthochschule Kassel, was a speaker at the 2nd Lithography Colloquium.


Wissenschaftsminister Timon Gremmels besucht die Ausstellung „Offener Prozess

Minister of Higher Education Timon Gremmels visits the exhibition „Offener Prozess"

The new Hessian Minister of Higher Education, Research, Art and Culture, Timon Gremmels, visited the exhibition „Offener Prozess".


Mo Harawe mit „Village Next to Paradise

Mo Harawe with "Village Next to Paradise" in Cannes

Mo Harawe's feature film debut "The Village Next to Paradise" can be seen in the "Un Certain Regard" series, the most important side section of the Cannes Film Festival.


„Guest Lecturer for Exhibition Research“

"Guest Lecturer for Exhibition Research"

New cooperation between the Kunsthochschule Kassel (KhK) and Frankfurt Curatorial Studies.


Archivarbeit bundesweit

Archive work nationwide

The research project on the history of the Kunsthochschule Kassel (Prof. Kai-Uwe Hemken), intensifies the research on the topic "Stage at the Academy".


Kontinuitäten rechter Gewalt: Ausstellung „Offener Prozess“ in der KhK

Continuities of right-wing violence: "Offener Prozess" exhibition at the KhK

Right-wing violence takes lives - then and now. The "Offener Prozess" exhibition on the NSU complex shows the effects of racist violence.


Rückblick: Hessen Talents auf der 74. Berlinale

Review: Hessen Talents at the 74th Berlinale

The HESSEN TALENTS presented fifteen films to a professional audience at the 74th Berlin International Film Festival.


Kunsthistorikerin Galit Noga-Banai erhält die Kasseler Rosenzweig-Professur

Art historian Galit Noga-Banai receives the Rosenzweig Professorship in Kassel

The University of Kassel has appointed Galit Noga-Banai to the Franz Rosenzweig Visiting Professorship for the summer semester 2024.


Sustainable Film School Day 2024

Sustainable Film School Day 2024

Film schools join forces for a sustainable future - Sustainable Film School Day 2024 during the 74th Berlinale.


Steph Joyce erhält Abschlussfilmförderung

Steph Joyce receives graduation film funding

Steph Joyce's film project is supported with the special graduation film grant from HessenFilm und Medien.


Die Kunstwissenschaft unterwegs …

Art History and Aesthetics on the move ...

Master's students learn about organizational structures at various art colleges in Germany.


Statement on the report by tagesspiegel.de on February 7, 2024

In the online edition of the Tagesspiegel (tagesspiegel.de, February 7), two Jewish students from the University of Kassel and the Kunsthochschule Kassel report on their experiences of fear on campus.


Diversität und Inklusion im Ausstellungskontext

Diversity and inclusion in the exhibition context

Ekachai Eksaroj has headed the Kassel Kunstverein office since January 2024.


Romina Abate im Gespräch

Six questions for Romina Abate

Tique put six questions to Romina Abate about her work.


HRK: Wissenschaft braucht freiheitliche Demokratie und Rechtstaatlichkeit

HRK: Science needs liberal democracy and the rule of law

In a statement, the Executive Board of the German Rectors' Conference (HRK) emphasizes the importance of democracy and the rule of law for science.


Drei Hessen Ideen Stipendien gehen an die Kunsthochschule Kassel

Three Hessen Ideas Scholarships go to the Kunsthochschule Kassel

Three out of four Hessen Ideen scholarships go to students and graduates of the Kunsthochschule Kassel.
