Animation Series for Furthering Political Education

With “Knetball,” a science fiction animation series for 7-12 year olds, Max Holicki and Yannick are trying to foster civic education and understanding of democracy, already at an early age. The series is meant to help teach the basic concepts of society and politics. 

The idea for the educational animation series “Knetball” first arose as part of a final project at the Kunsthochschule Kassel (focus on animation). The animation artists Max Holicki and Yannick Stark presented the project as part of the Examen exhibition (Dec. 11–15, 2024) at Kassel’s documenta-Halle. In the animation series the protagonists Mika and Plim go on exciting adventures that cover the basic concepts from politics and society. Children are playfully made aware of earthly challenges and political themes. The filmmakers thus show their commitment to political education: “In our present day making children politically aware should start early. We decided on an age group in which children barely come into contact with socio-political topics at all, but are nonetheless completely capable of understanding the basics of complex interrelationships. We want to help children come to terms with this complexity in a fun way.” Explaining complicated issues in an accessible and non-intimidating way is important for the project directors. It is especially important for them to rouse the children’s curiosity and interest early to make them more resistant to simplistic populist talking points and to promote their understanding of democracy.

An extraterrestrial research station is hidden on the far side of the hollowed-out moon where a motley crew performs the unpleasant task of researching humanity. The crew wants to find out more about the Earth in order to extract resources without endangering intelligent life. The story in “Knetball” is propelled by the question of human potential. Every episode in the series is dedicated to a different topic from politics, economics, and society. This gives rise to productive misunderstandings as well as amusing insights about the earthlings and how they live together.

Currently Max Holicki and Yannick Stark are working on their first pilot episode. The plan is to make the series with a combination of 3D clay animation and 2D vector animation in order to create a visually appealing and memorable world.

The entire project is still in the making. You can learn more about how you can support the film project here.

Further information on “Knetball”:

(Text: Çiğdem Özdemir)