
05.07.2024 – 04.08.2024 / öffentlich


Students of the Spehr class, Kunsthochschule Kassel, exhibit.

07.07.2024 – 28.07.2024 / öffentlich

It's a long way. Bring soft shoes.

From 07. to 28.07.24 Tristan Marie Trotz will be exhibiting at the Queer Center Kassel.

24.07.2024 – 25.08.2024 / öffentlich

"6 soft years" - Lukas Wächtler

Come and play, feel, explore your surroundings! A call to senseless use and feeling.

01.08.2024 – 01.08.2024 / öffentlich

SummerHUB 2024 – Opening

Opening with a lecture by Maik Kiesler.

04.08.2024 – 28.08.2024 / öffentlich

SummerHUB 2024

The SummerHUB is a summer program in the exhibition hall of the Kunsthochschule Kassel.

09.08.2024 – 11.08.2024 / öffentlich

Martin Winkler's Tears for Queers

Graduate exhibition by Martin Winkler.

09.08.2024 – 11.08.2024 / öffentlich


Exhibition by Andreas Ujbányi.

07.09.2024 – 20.09.2024 / öffentlich

Kassel Museum Night 2024

Exhibition "The Invisible" as part of the Kassel Museum Night in the exhibition hall of the Kunsthochschule Kassel.

26.09.2024 – 27.09.2024 / öffentlich

Das erlösende Wort in dürftigen Zeiten – Wittgensteins Fortschritts-, Zivilisations- und Kulturkritik

7th Wittgenstein Forum of the International Ludwig Wittgenstein Society e.V.

16.10.2024 – 22.01.2025 / hochschulöffentlich

Meetings of the Kunsthochschulrat

All members of the Kunsthochschule Kassel are cordially invited to attend the meetings of the Kunsthochschulrat.

weitere Veranstaltungen


Rundgangpreise 2024

Rundgang prices 2024

This year's round prizes were awarded at the opening of the annual exhibition of the Kunsthochschule Kassel (18.07.24).

Kunsthochschule und documenta: Neue Bestände des UniArchivs geben Einblick

Kunsthochschule and documenta: New holdings of the UniArchive provide insight

Why did the city of Kassel establish itself as the location for the world's most important exhibition of contemporary art?

Der Blick ins Körperinnere

A look inside the body

The visual design of the print and online media for the annual exhibition 2024 of the Kunsthochschule Kassel was conceived and realized by Michelle Haupt, Karin Grünwald, Shirin Krastel.
