Anybody who has gained their final school qualifications (or a first degree) abroad must apply to the work and service office for international applications at uni-assist in Berlin; the applicants’ certificates and evidence of language (German) are checked there to see whether they are adequate for studying at the Kunsthochschule Kassel or the University of Kassel. Applicants must have an adequate knowledge of German in order to be able to take the art entrance examination.
You will find more information at the following Internet sites:
The online application and the certificates (school education, evidence of having passed the TestDaF or DSH language examination, each as PDF) for the visual communications courses must be sent to uni-assist by 01 March. We urgently recommend that you submit your documents as early as possible.
The online application and the certificates (school education, evidence of having passed the TestDaF or DSH language examination, each as PDF) for the visual arts, product design and art teacher courses must be sent to uni-assist by 30 April. We urgently recommend that you submit your documents as early as possible.
The online application and the certificates (school education, evidence of having passed the language examination – e.g. TestDaF or DSH, each as PDF) for the art history course must be sent to uni-assist by 15 July at the very latest. We highly recommend that you make your application by 15 April.
Further information:
The folder for the fine arts, product design, art teacher and visual communications courses does not have to made available until the entrance examination. Applicants for the art history course do not have to complete an entrance examination or hand over a folder.