One of the central events to take place during the Rundgang (July 12 to 15, 2018) will be a two-day symposium on the topic of AUTONOMY on July 13th and 14th.

On the idea behind the symposium: Since the University of Kassel was founded as a Gesamthochschule and the of the art school was integrated into the wider university, there has been constant negotiation as to how to organize the relationship between the art school and the university. The status quo established throughout this process this keeps the art school in an intermediary space that remains undefined in many of its aspects, a space between its role as a specific department at the university and a certain partial autonomy (with its own web presence, its own corporate identity). 

AUTONOMY has a definition–“auto nomos” means self-legislation; not autonomous is also defined as the opposite of this, but what does partial autonomy mean concretely? And who is meant to be reached by it–members of the Kunsthochschule, members of the university, members of the ministry? These questions will be discussed within the context of the symposium, and different positions will be brought together as a way to form opinions.

Some lectures at the symposium AUTONOMY can be found on our YouTube channel. Further information on the symposium here.

Commentary from the press:
June 4, 2018 | Hessische/Niedersächsische Allgemeine (HNA)
Kasseler Professor übt harte Kritik: “Die Kunstuni ist ein maroder Kasten” 
(Kassel professor gives harsh critique: “The art university is a box of deadbeats”)

May 24, 2018 | Hessische/Niedersächsische Allgemeine (HNA)
Protest der Kasseler Kunststudenten: “Uni spart an qualifizierter Bildung”
(Protest by Kassel art students: “University skimping on qualified education”)