It is only possible to start a teaching degree course in the winter semester. In addition to the general higher education entrance qualification or a relevant subject-related higher education entrance qualification, the prerequisite for the teaching degree course in Art is passing the artistic entrance examination.
You can find detailed information on the teaching subjects (range of subjects, subject combinations, application and enrolment requirements, admission restrictions, etc.) in the range of courses offered by the University of Kassel.
Registration for the entrance examination initially takes place without a portfolio, which will only be submitted for the entrance examination. The application deadline is April 30 (date of postmark). All applicants who have applied by the deadline will be invited to the entrance examination by the University of Kassel. The exam lasts one day.
The entrance examination takes place on site at the Kunsthochschule (colonnade) and lasts approximately four hours. The portfolio comprises approx. 20 current works that reflect the student's own, focused artistic exploration. The format of the works, working methods, themes, techniques and media are optional.
Portfolio consultation here.