Rundgang prizes 2024

This year's Rundgang prizes were awarded as part of the opening of the Kunsthochschule Kassel's annual exhibition.

At the opening of the annual exhibition on Thursday evening (July 18, 2024), a jury of experts - consisting of CHANG13° (graduate fashion designer, art performer, music artist), Claudia Holzinger (intermedia artist, graphic designer, photographer), Karina Chernenko (KUNST + kaviar) - awarded the Rundgang prizes.

The SV SparkassenVersicherung prize was shared: Mounira Al Solh's performance class is awarded for the overall concept of the class exhibition (1,250 euros). The density and intensity of contemporary themes and the implementation in the small groups, but also as an overall concept, led the jury to its decision.

The jury awarded the second part of the SV SparkassenVersicherungspreis (EUR 1,250) to the work "K-BOB-Star" by Hansol Kim. The collage of fermented cabbage, which connects generations of Korean women within families, and the associated criticism of the staging of images of women in K-POP convinced the jury.

The Birgitt Bolsmann Prize (1,100 euros) goes to Saskia Masannek's work "Philok". The examination of the themes of identity and family history as well as the artistic realization were very well received by the judges.

The prize of the employees of the Kunsthochschule Kassel (1,000 euros) is awarded to Janna Kim Rühl for her work "Hexenflug". The jury was particularly impressed by the contrasts between overload and restraint, strength and fragility in a single image.

Rundgang prizes
The Kunsthochschule Kassel awards prizes to students of the Kunsthochschule every year as part of the annual exhibition with the support of its long-standing prize sponsors. The funding goes directly to the prizewinners and honors the works they present on the occasion of the Rundgang.

The Kunsthochschule Kassel would like to thank its sponsors:
Birgitt-Bolsmann-Preis, Kasseler Sparkasse, SV SparkassenVersicherung Holding AG