Lena Hellmann wins the German Design Graduates Award 2024

Lena Hellmann, graduate of the Kunsthochschule Kassel (Product Design), received an award at the German Design Graduates Awards 2024 for her project "TAG".

Design for practical solutions with responsibility
The table tools designed by Lena Hellmann promote shared experiences and social interaction in equal measure: A spoon with indentations or reworked tongs encourage sharing. With the help of 3D printing, the designer developed a cost-efficient production process with an experimental design. The objects were produced in cooperation with the manufacturer mono.

About the German Design Graduates Awards 2024
This year, the German Design Graduates Awards initiative once again presented prizes. The prizes are endowed with 2,500 euros each, sponsored by the German Design Council Foundation. The award ceremony took place as part of the "Dare to Design" exhibition opening on August 30, 2024 at the Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt am Main. The projects of the four winners reflect the innovative power that design can have in social and economic change processes in a particularly impressive way.

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