Filmstill: Klassenverhältnisse am Bodensee

10.07.2024 18:30 UHR

Ton-Bild-Zeit: Filmemacher/innen und ihr Werk

The "Film and Moving Image Class" of the Kunsthochschule Kassel in cooperation with the Filmladen Kassel e. V. present: Class Relations at Lake Constance.

Klassenverhältnisse am Bodensee
D/CH 2022
By Ariane Andereggen and Ted Gaier
82 min, German OmeU

What can be seen when the fog clears on the shores of Lake Constance and provides a view of the idyllic village of Ermatingen cannot be taken for granted. This assumption leads the filmmaker back to her Swiss hometown. There, she questions her own biography as well as that of her family members and former classmates about the influence of social background on their lives. The underlying interest in the concept of a class society touches on the industrial history of the 20th century and the labor migration inscribed in it, right up to today's new residents in their villas. The audiovisually diverse video essay thus puts the neoliberal paradigm of equal opportunities and self-determined life plans up for discussion.

Followed by: Ariane Andereggen and Ted Gaier and in conversation with Anna Berger and Jan Peters.

10.07.2024, 6:30 pm
Filmladen Kassel

Admission: 7,50 €

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