Hessian Film Award: "Starren" wins in the "Best Short Film" category

Tianshu Yang and Xiaoxuan Yu's film "Starren" (Kunsthochschule Kassel) has won the Hessian Film and Cinema Award 2024 in the category "Best Short Film".

Jury statement:
Being at the mercy of the eyes of others in everyday life, their thoughts and judgments, their condemnations: A feeling we all know! For some just unpleasant, for others unbearable. The stares trigger panic, they cast a net of fear and threat around us in the midst of everyday life. Caught like a fly in a spider's web. "Staring" finds haunting images for a feeling and draws us into the spell of everyday intolerability.

Images that cast a spell over us, atmospheric panic that leaps off the screen, intense feelings in the movie seat and all in five minutes! The metaphorical charge of an everyday situation in image and sound is cleverly constructed and draws the audience in extremely quickly! No wonder: woven into a web, panic-inducing and oppressive and all triggered by "staring". The images in the animated film are clear and to the point, the central metaphor is illuminated from every conceivable angle in five minutes. The images are simple and clear, yet extremely fascinating, each shot a painting full of detail. Tianshu Yang's short film "Staring" achieves all of this, making it a small cinematic firework of emotions!

Hessian Film and Cinema Award 2024
Several productions in which the filmmakers deal with life between two countries and cultures were awarded the Hessian Film and Cinema Awardon Friday evening (18.10.24) at the Alte Oper Frankfurt.
