Film still: Einzeltäter Teil 1: München by Julian Vogel (2023, 84 Minuten)

16.05.2024 18:00 UHR

Ton-Bild-Zeit: Filmemacher:innen und ihr Werk (in the exhibition hall)

In the series Ton-Bild-Zeit: Filmemacher:innen und ihr Werk in the exhibition hall of the Kunsthochschule, the film will be shown:
Einzeleltäter Teil 1: München by Julian Vogel (2023, 84 minutes).

On July 22, 2016, the anniversary of the crimes committed by right-wing terrorist Anders Breivik, a young man shoots 9 people with a migrant background and then himself at the Olympia shopping center in Munich. Despite obvious indications of the perpetrator's racist motive, the crime was classified by the investigating authorities as a killing spree and not recognized as a politically motivated violent crime. Arbnor Segashi lost his little sister in the attack, Sibel and Hasan Leyla their son. While Arbnor tries to support his traumatized parents and ensure the family's financial survival, the Leyla family fights to have the crime recognized as right-wing terrorism. They are only successful after the right-wing extremist attacks in Halle and Hanau shake Germany. The film is part of the trilogy "EINZELTÄTER", which is dedicated to people who lost loved ones in the right-wing extremist attacks in Munich 2016, Halle 2019 and Hanau 2020.


Followed by an audience discussion with the director Julian Vogel.

16.05.24, 6 pm

Exhibition hall, Kunsthochschule Kassel
Menzelstr. 13
34121 Kassel

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