Answering the Sun

10.01.2023 19:30 UHR

TON-BILD-ZEIT: Filmmakers and their work

TON-BILD-ZEIT: Filmmakers and their work in cooperation with the Filmladen Kassel e.V.:

Answering the Sun
Germany, Austria 2022
Directed by Rainer Kohlberger
Length: 60 minutes

Monochrome pumping color surfaces, drone sounds. Strong light signals create afterimages on the retina, specific acoustic stimuli encourage the ear to produce sounds itself, the whole body is affected, loss of control included. And in all the dizzying flickering, throbbing and pulsating, a ball of sunlight, usually bathed in vibrant colors.

Rainer Kohlberger in conversation with Jan Peters and Anna Berger.

Date & Place
Filmladen Kassel

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