01.08.2024 – 01.08.2024

SummerHUB 2024 - Opening

Opening with a lecture by Maik Kiesler.

The SummerHUB is a summer program in the exhibition hall of the Kunsthochschule Kassel that serves to fill the long lecture-free period with creative and inspiring activities. Under the motto "Summer sunshine, I don't know", Samira Vogl and Charlotte Kreiß have planned a series of events around the theme of "Spaces in Transition" in August 2024.

The aim of this year's SummerHUB is to create a temporary space to tackle the problem of Kassel's dwindling cultural scene. The aim of the first event is to create a greater understanding and appreciation of the cultural scene in Kassel.

The event will kick off with a lecture by Maik Kiesler. Kiesler is a research assistant in the Department of Urban and Regional Sociology at the ASL. His research focuses on the definitions, operationalizations and structures of and in suburban spaces as well as the formation and forms of communitization and marginalization. He also deals with the sociological and social aspects of urban and spatial planning.

Date & Location
01.08.2024, 6 pm
Exhibition Hall, Kunsthochschule Kassel
Menzelstr. 13, 34121 Kassel

SummerHUB 2024:

NOTE: Program subject to change! Daily updated information on Instagram (@summerhub_khk) at: www.instagram.com

SummerHUB 2024:
Charlotte Kreiss & Samira Vogl (coordinators)
Emily Jean Bowe (assistance)

For questions via e-mail to: summerhubkhk[at]gmail.com

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