"Examen/Gezeiten/Teilchen" is the title of this year's graduate exhibition at the Kunsthochschule Kassel. 65 budding artists from the Fine Arts, Art Education, Art Science, Product Design and Visual Communication degree programs will be exhibiting their final works in the documenta Halle from 13 to 17 December.
For the tenth edition of the graduation exhibition, the StadtLabor team will be experimenting with Prof. Dr. Martin Schmidl (Rector), Çiğdem Özdemir (Head of Press and Public Relations), Mateo Chacón Pino (Curator) and Moritz Micalef (Arts and Culture Officer at the cdw Foundation).
Thursday, 7.12.2023, 9 pm to 10 pm, Free Radio Kassel
(repetition: 8.12., 1 pm to 2 pm)
To be heard at:
FM frequency: 105.8 via antenna,
DAB digital radio: DAB+ channel 6, block A in band III/FRK
Livestream: www.freies-radio-kassel.de