09.08.2024 – 11.08.2024


Graduate Exhibition by Andreas Ujbányi. Surrealist paintings and drawings that deal with pareidolia, autoscopy and autokinesis.

In his final thesis, Ujbányi wants to depict various aspects of the social perception of individual people who have shared their impressions with him during the current crisis-ridden period.

The COVID pandemic, energy crisis, wars and constant climate change have changed the way people think and feel. The resulting fears and isolation from the outside world, as well as hopes and opportunities for change, affect individuals in their everyday lives, but they only notice the change in themselves after a certain amount of time.

Commonly defined as "sensory illusions", (self-)perceptions such as pareidolia (the recognition of human faces in objects), autoscopy (surprising experiences of one's own life as a real person) and autokinesis (the subjective perception of the movement of objects that are objectively still). Objectively still objects) are effects that the artist depicts in a painted series of pictures. The series will thematize the aforementioned impressions and themes.

The central work will be a depiction of the city of Kassel - as it can be seen from the roof of the Stern high-rise. Ujbányi works with an oval stretcher frame to depict the landscape and buildings curved in a way that corresponds to the deformations in a fisheye lens. The remaining works are also predominantly paintings that surrealistically reflect the corresponding dreams, fears and perceptions. A series of sketches, consisting of various drawings created during the entire course of study, round off the exhibition.

09.-11.08.2024, 5 to 9 pm

Zwehrenturm - Museum Fridericianum (inner courtyard, left door)
Friedrichsplatz 18
34117 Kassel

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