Still: Gewitterzustand, David Reiber Otálora

25.05.2023 – 25.06.2023

Nothing to see

With works by Vera Drebusch, Anna Ilin, David Reiber Otálora, Sarah Veith and Alisa Kossak.

In their works, which include film, sculptural elements as well as sound and text, five artists seek to engage with spaces of memory and thought and explore areas between reality, fiction and illusion. Central to the different positions are always questions about the conditions of perception and constructions of identity and what this means for one's own self-understanding and actions in private as well as social contexts.

Curated by Joey Arand and Holger Jenss.

05/26 - 06/25/2023
Fri. - Sun., 4 - 7 p.m.

Thu. 05/25/2023, 7 p.m.
With an introduction by the curator.

Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 177
34119 Kassel

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