The Film and Moving Image Department of the Kunsthochschule Kassel presents current documentary, experimental and scenic works.
From the building site to the tulip festival, from the cat to the whip, from the dream to the cityscape, this comprehensive film program poetically traces emotions.
The productions were created using both digital and analog working processes, including a 16mm film practice workshop and workshops with filmmaker and producer Antonia Kilian and filmmaker Henner Winckler.
With films by:
Alessandra Coronato, Alisa Siebert, Charlotte Ella Bouchon, Chiara Fehling, Gülberk Elif Bosgelmez, Janis Schmidt, Jonas Albrecht, Julius Hoßner, Lucy Hartstang, Meret Klug, Mia Sophie Wagner, Newroz „Newwi“ Agnes Ayalp, Rosa Langer, Sinemsu Atesoglu, Stella Hood, Veronika Čerkesa
Date & location
29.01.25, 10.15 pm
Großes Bali Cinema, Kassel
Admission: 10,- / 9,- €