Max Czollek arbeitet an der Rache-Ausstellung 2022 für das Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt, Fotocredit: Daniel Laufer

10.02.2022 10:00 UHR

Lecture Max Czollek at Kunsthochschule Kassel

On Thursday 10th Feb 2022 at 10.00h author, poet and publicist Max Czollek will give a zoom-lecture for the seminar Landscapes of Migration within the program of the Mehrdimensionale Strategien Klasse at Kunsthochschule Kassel.

Max Czollek (1987), lives in Berlin and completed his doctorate at the Centre for Research on anti-Semitism at TU Berlin. He is a member of the poetry collective G13 and co-editor of the magazine Jalta - Positionen zur jüdischen Gegenwart.
After the poetry collections Druckkammern and Jubeljahre, his non-fiction book Desintegriert Euch! was published in 2018. His latest book Gegenwartsbewältigung was published in 2020.

In Desintegriert Euch!, Czollek criticises the functionalisation of Jewish and migrant positions in Germany: A good migrant is one who speaks in an enlightened way about the oppression of women, Islamism and the capacity for democracy. A good Jew is one who always gives information on anti-Semitism, the Holocaust and Israel. Czollek calls this mechanism "integration theatre" and describes strategies to end the theatre, which he calls "disintegration".
Czollek also recently conceptualised/conceived the exhibition 'Rache - Geschichte und Fantasie' which is opening in March 2022 at the Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt.

The zoom-lecture this time will be in German language and is organised as a cooperation between two classes from the Visual Art Department, Schmidt Klasse and Vallejos-de Bruijne Klasse.

This event is open to art students and scholars of the Kunsthochschule Kassel as well as to other young art practitioners interested in this topic.


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