A river rises from a spring. It chaotically makes its way through the landscape, taking forks, changing its surroundings. The river takes its space. It rests in the riverbed and is at the same time a mighty stream. The river in the installation "Improvised Branch" appears as if it has dried up - what remains is its riverbed as a holding clamp - full of tears, drops, soft stones* and bodies, hands, cleaning, life, touch, connections and comfort.
Under the motto "von wegen" as the title of the interdisciplinary event series "drei in eins. Music Art Language" of the Evangelisches Forum Kassel we meet, the two artists Ann-Cathrin Agethen from Frankfurt am Main and Franziska Weygandt from Kassel. For the exhibition we work together collaboratively and ask ourselves: Who takes an "improvised turn" in their life? How are they accepted? And how do they succeed? How can people deal with trauma, grief and injury? What gives me comfort? What hand holds me? And how do my tears dry? *The "soft stones" were created in the art collective fez, Feminist Gathering.
drei in eins. VON WEGEN - improvisierte Abzweigung
On five Sunday evenings a cross-disciplinary trialogue of musicians*, visual artists* and theologians* will be staged. Contemporary visual art, new music and language will connect and comment on each other in ever new approaches. In this way, spatial experiences and experiential spaces are created in which the coordinated components come together to form a performative Gesamtkunstwerk.
Chamber Choir Cantiamo Piccolo | Direction: Andreas Cessak
Works by John Dunstable, Guillaume de Machaut, Arvo Pärt, Einojuhani Rautavaara, Johann Hermann Schein, Ernst Toch
Ann-Cathrin Agethen and Franziska Weygandt| Installation
Uwe Jakubczyk
Exhibition „Improvisierte Abzweigung“
Daily, 4–7 p.m.
drei in eins. VON WEGEN - improvisierte Abzweigung
9.7.2023, 6 p.m.
Place: Karlskirche Karlsplatz 34117 Kassel