Ludwig Hilberseimer, Wachsendes Haus, Dessau-Törten, design for a mixed-use development

17.07.2024 17:00 UHR

Inauguration of the Otti Berger and Ludwig Hilberseimer curtain

Inauguration of the Otti Berger and Ludwig Hilberseimer curtain in the TRACES research station.

The fabrics of Otti Berger (1898-1944) impressively combine aesthetics, function and technical innovation. With her work, the textile designer fundamentally changed the understanding of textile design. Otti Berger studied and taught at the Bauhaus from 1927, set up her own business in Berlin in 1932, worked for clients throughout Europe and acquired numerous patents.

Inspired by Otti Berger's designs, Kassel-based artists Salome Frobel and Vreneli Harborth have created a woven curtain for the TRACES research station. The woven work also incorporates the destination of the curtain, designed by architect and Bauhaus teacher Ludwig Hilberseimer (1885-1967), Otti Berger's fiancé.

Ludwig Hilberseimer designed his "Growing House" in 1930/32, but it was not until 2019 that it was realized in a design/build process in Dessau-Törten. Based on plans by students at the University of Kassel, the house was built by the students themselves under the guidance of the "Constructlab" construction collective. The basic module of the house can be extended in three stages depending on resources and requirements. The construction is designed in such a way that the house can be quickly and easily assembled and dismantled by the residents themselves and can therefore be relocated. Today it houses the TRACES research station on Lutherplatz.

Date & location 1
7.07.24, 5 p.m.
TRACES research station on Lutherplatz, Kassel

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