26.09.2024 – 27.09.2024

Das erlösende Wort in dürftigen Zeiten – Wittgensteins Fortschritts-, Zivilisations- und Kulturkritik

7th Wittgenstein Forum of the International Ludwig Wittgenstein Society e.V.

Throughout his life, Ludwig Wittgenstein was critical of the spirit of his time. Not only did he dislike the empty and over-optimistic striving for progress of European and American civilization. He also lamented the spiritlessness of his era, which was accompanied by a loss of culture and a loss of seriousness, insight and humility. Scientism and technicism, in their misuse of scientific knowledge for ideological purposes, were also deeply repugnant to him. These are all topics that are particularly topical in our time.

The 7th Wittgenstein Forum of the International Ludwig Wittgenstein Society is dedicated to Wittgenstein's critique of progress, civilization and culture and, following his diagnoses, attempts to discuss what can be considered the "redeeming word in poor times".

Scientific Direction: Stefan Majetschak, Moritz René Pretzsch

Program / Lectures

Andreas Krebs (University of Bonn)
Ich sehe jedes Problem von einem religiösen Standpunkt. Gibt es eine religiöse Fortschrittskritik bei Wittgenstein?“

Andrea Kern (University of Leipzig)
„Die Verleugnung des Menschen: Wittgensteins Kritik der Philosophie“

Christian Martin (University of Stuttgart)
„Wittgenstein über Natur und Geschichte“

Volker Munz (University of Klagenfurt)
„Text und Kontext. Wittgenstein und seine Zeit“

Richard Raatzsch (EBS University of Business and Law)
„Wittgensteins erlösende Worte“

Ilse Somavilla (University of Innsbruck)
„Wozu Philosophie und Kunst in Zeiten der Unkultur?“

To conclude the Wittgenstein Forum, a general meeting of the International Ludwig Wittgenstein Society e.V. will take place on 27.9.2024 (in presence and online).

26.09.2024, 14:00 to 18:30
27.09.2024, 09:00 to 13:30

Lecture hall of the Kunsthochschule Kassel
Menzelstr. 13
34121 Kassel

The lectures will also be broadcast live on the Internet and can be accessed via the web address www.ILWG.eu

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