14.02.2021 12:00 UHR


Adulterous affairs. Glitchy silence. A Drop of blood.

TERRARISTA TV´s 3rd iteration EROS IS A SORE is shaping a day of workshops, live performances, video works, DJ-sets and mixtapes. Gifted with brilliant collaborators we invite, indulge and wallow ourselves to rethink our bitter/sweet/cringe and agonising memories of this day of awkward emotional desolation.

Artists and Contributors:
Jaime Alonso Lobato Cardoso, Carl C. Olsson, Aimilia Ethimiou, François Pisapia, Prontaxan, Romy Day Winkel, Mar.mp3, jas lin, GEMINI.

Visual poetry and lyricism are artistic expressions that encode language in different ways than traditional poetry or calligrams, with this aim to renew language and separate it from the semantics of natural languages. In the live audiovisual performance TSCH!”, Jaime Alonso Lobato Cardoso substitutes the programming codes normally used in live coding to investigate how a computer understands poetry.

The Videowork “The Bore” by Carl C.Olsson is developed in collaboration with TERRARISTA TV and consists of a series of textual fragments; short parables, fables and apophthegms which are themselves part of a larger project that aims to explore the prospect of understanding ourselves as derived from the earth and marooned upon it. In articulating this prospect and its various conditions, the hope is to make it a possible object of intervention and further inquiry: in what ways can such a terrestrial self-cognition be designed and to what ends? What existential troubles and pitfalls loom beyond its horizon? 

Aimilia Efthimiou's performance "no kisses, but bites" seeks to question the manner that individuals are damaged through patriarchal structures, while offering an opportunity to poison whatever is destroying these existences with various spells and rituals. Drawing on personal narratives, Aimilia will use incantations inspired by folk tradition and other magic practices in order to invite people to cope with desire's impossible horizons. 

François Pisapia will be performing “Lovesick OST (2021)”, a visual mixtape with heartbreaking music by CECILIA + Iku + Odile Myrtil +Victor Bongiovanni + Catherine Lamoureux + Denys Goltvenko + Hugo Perina. With original footage from the motion picture Lovesick, the story of a melancholic flâneur in a fenced-up town, tripping on dreams of plastic Arcadia. Followed by the newly revised slideshow-reading Property Spleen.

Based on information disclosure and ease of access to technology, the Yogyakarta-based collective PRONTAXAN uses Youtube as a bible and some MP3 controller devices as a microphone to echo selected track verses. This curation of verses is connected to the celebration of mixing electronic music, dangdut, campursari and the native sounds of the Indonesian Archipelago—a mix more popularly known as Funkot. Their choice of Funkot offers a reclaiming of music consumption and its relationship to the construction of social class. It is a fuse of ice breaking in the disturbance of a party or celebration by offering basic human needs; dancing and cheering provide escape from one’s memory for a moment, from the restraints of routine and the shackles of pressure of contemporary society. During our program, PRONTAXAN will perform a live DJ-set while experimenting with the interactive format of ‘adu pantun’ (similar to poetry slam) in Indonesian, English and German languages together with the audience.

Under Mar.mp3, Marishka Soekarna from the vinyl-spinners duo Iramamama will colour our valentine with “Mixtake Mistape”, a compilation of bittersweet songs that can shred your heart but with a disco vibe.  #mommyx #bittersweet #sillysymphony

In the workshop “Making a love token: on romantic gesture and its restricted objects” by Romy Day Winkel, the artist invites you to join her in making a love token. Through a short reading of the history of this gesture, participants will be asked to enter a guided room-walk in search of a romantic object in their everyday surroundings. They will then work with their found material, think and talk about ways to imitate their meaning, and finally incorporate them in the making and writing of a love token.

“MORNING EXORCISE: dancing ecologiesis a workshop by jas lin that seeks to inspire the wholeness of all bodies, recognizing the body both as a technology of freedom and site for transformative potential. grounded in the principles and elements of emergent strategy, dancing ecologies is a collective journey through breath, guided meditation, biomimicry movement experiments, and group reflections. what can we learn from the biologically indeterminate shape of fungal networks? how can we inhabit body in a way that honors our interdependence? that re-members what joanna macy calls the “ecological self which recognizes that the world is its body”? this movement workshop is open to all who are in the practice of shaping change towards life & liberation for all becomings.

Closing DJ-Set by GEMINI: just an hour of holes within the notions of romance. confused about 8 types of love give me your keywords; I will forge them into a new one. in this last but  not least digital rave we energize the corporal need to move that B(ody) in a contract with devils, jealousy, revenge, love and hate, gentle soothing.

Registration for both workshops is open until February 12th via:
earthlives2020[at]protonmail.com or https://terraristatv.stream/Workshops

For the timetable please visit:

For more information on the program and our artists:


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