11.07.2024 – 11.07.2024


Open to all students and teachers of the Kunsthochschule Kassel who are interested in organizing and conducting the RUNDGANG 2024.

Those who assume an emerging "surveillance capitalism" see global corporations in search of transparent consumers whose personal data can be used to predict what this customer would like to buy next without even knowing about it. As a reward, the brain would release dopamine, which users would become addicted to. Our happiness is made dependent on strangers finding our photos beautiful and liking our posts. The aim of the companies is to keep us online for as long as possible and to collect, use and sell as much data as possible, while constantly making new sales proposals and promises of happiness. This has the effect of reducing our attention span, broadening our knowledge but not deepening it. How should the Kunsthochschule deal with this and address it in the 2024 RUNDGANG?

  • Also become shallower and broader?
  • Break down the (art) works into parts adapted to the short attention span?
  • Ignore digitalization?
  • Shift the discussion, address people personally, initiate discussions in presence and create places for visions of a society based on solidarity?

Social media detox, digital detox, tour detox or would you prefer the Tox(ic) Bar?

All students and teaching staff at the Kunsthochschule Kassel are cordially invited to get involved in the content of this year's Rundgang and help shape the annual exhibition.

thursdays, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Room 0232, Atrium

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