27.02.2024 09:00 UHR

Writing applications for artists and designers in the postgraduate phase

Writing funding applications is part of everyday life in science and art, but it requires knowledge and practice. The writing workshop is therefore aimed at artists in the postgraduate phase who would like to apply for funding or an artistic doctorate after graduation and want to practice their (academic) writing.

The workshop uses writing-focused exercises in individual and (small) group work to show how applicants can correctly interpret and implement the requirements of a funding institution: How do you read an advertisement and how does an application process work? Which readers do I need to address? How is an application structured and what is the function of the individual parts such as portfolio, short description and synopsis or project description? The focus is on the description of the planned project, as this forms the core of every application.

After the workshop, participants can send in draft texts that they have worked on/revised and receive individual text feedback of 30 minutes each. This will take place online on April 9 and 10, 2024. The individual coaching is intended to support the writers in their content and formal clarification processes relating to their application. At the end, they will have gained confidence and clarity and will be able to present themselves convincingly in their application process.

27.02.2024, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Bootshaus Auedamm 27a, 34121 Kassel

Further information on the workshop:

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