Contact points and complaints offices for discrimination and sexualized violence

Discrimination and sexualized violence still represent a social problem, and universities as places for study and work are no exception. The Richtlinie zum Schutz vor Diskriminierungen und sexualisierter Gewalt [Guideline for Protection against Discrimination and Sexualized Violence], which was enacted in 2019 and applies throughout the university, is intended to prohibit or eliminate discrimination—in particular due to gender, ethnic or social origin, appearance, age, disability or illness, sexual orientation or gender identity, religion or belief, or marital status. The Kunsthochschule Kassel encourages its members to get involved or seek support if they have witnessed discrimination or experience it themselves.

Complaints offices
following the anti-discrimination guidelines of the University of Kassel

Contact points, interest groups (internal to the Hochschule):

  • Contact Person for Anti-discrimination according to the Hessian Higher Education Act (§6(2))
    Dr. Sylke Ernst
    Representative for Women and Equality
    Head of the Equality Unit
    e-mail: antidiskriminierung[at]
  • Consultant for Studies, Diversity, and Anti-discrimination (Kunsthochschule Kassel)
    Nina Ulbrich
    e-mail: nina.ulbrich[at]
  • Student Representatives for Women and Equality (Kunsthochschule Kassel)
    Aline Dahlem, E-Mail
    Diellza Spahija, E-Mail
  • Equality Unit
    The team at the Equality Unit supports the Hochschule in the areas of equal opportunity, diversity, and anti-discrimination work.
  • Psychological Advising Centre (PBS)
    The Psychological Advising Centre (PBS) of the Student Services is is open to all students and members of the University of Kassel. In advising sessions, those seeking advice can receive support in overcoming their psychological crises.
  • Staff Council
    The central task of the Staff Council is to represent the interests of employees in relation to the administration. The legal basis for its work is the Hessian Personnel Representation Act.
  • Disabled Persons’ Representation
    The Disabled Persons’ Representation as a lobby for disabled persons is responsible for ensuring the inclusion of disabled persons in the administration, representing the interests of disabled staff, and advising and helping disabled persons in the administration.
  • Service Center Studies and Disability
    The Service Center Studies and Disability has set itself the goal of supporting the university in its efforts to reduce barriers for students and promote the diversity of our student body by providing counseling for all students as well as employees and networking with other institutions.
  • The General Student Union (AStA)
    The General Student Union (AStA) is the executive organ of the constituted student body and is a democratically elected body of student representatives.

Counselling Centers outside the Hochschule:

Further Information: