Trial study at the Kunsthochschule

From January 20-24, 2025, the trial study offers school pupils the opportunity to gain an insight into studying at the Kunsthochschule.

During this week, prospective students in Kassel, Hofgeismar, Homberg/Efze and Bad Wildungen can find out all about studying in general and gain specific insights into the wide range of courses on offer at the Kunsthochschule.

Be a student for a week, get a taste of lectures on the course of your choice, attend seminars and come into contact with lecturers and students: All this is made possible by the taster course for 30 pupils at the art academy. The degree courses in art teaching, art studies and product design offer those interested a varied program of courses and guided tours of the study workshops and the campus. By taking part in selected regular events, the orientation week not only provides information about the courses on offer at the art academy, but can also help to prevent wrong decisions being made when choosing a course.

For example, 19 prospective students attended the Product Design course at the art academy for four days. The program was coordinated by Sandra Spoo (artistic associate) and Charlotte Kreiß (student). The taster course is designed to help prospective students gain an insight into student life. Among other things, the following questions will be answered: Which major might be right for me? What can I expect during my studies? What can I do in the study workshops? What does campus life look like?

Felix Reiche is a year 12 student at the Herderschule Kassel. He is taking part in the taster course because he is interested in studying design. Carlotta Leonhardt from Gustav-Stresemann-Gymnasium in Bad Wildungen has similar motives. She is actually interested in architecture, but also wanted to get to know other practice-oriented subjects.

About the Trial study
Nils Heise (University of Kassel) organizes the annual taster course together with the teachers responsible at the schools cooperating with the university. During the taster course, prospective students attend selected courses of a degree program for one week. The program is individual for each degree program and there is no general timetable. The 2025 taster course takes place from January 20 to 24. Further information can be found here.

(Text in German: Çiğdem Özdemir)