PD Dr. phil. habil. Wang, Zhuofei

Privatdozentin für Ästhetik und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft

PD Dr. phil. habil. Zhuofei Wang was assistant professor with Prof. Dr. Stefan Kramer at the University of Leipzig (2010–2011) and with Prof. Dr. Stefan Majetschak at the University of Kassel (2013-2019). From 2019 to 2020 she was Vertretungsdozentin for apl. Prof. Dr. Katrin  Wille at the University of Hildesheim. From April 2020 to March 2022, she was member of the Koselleck-Project "Geschichten der Philosophie in globaler Perspektive" (Histories of Philosophy in a Global Perspective) (Director: Prof. Rolf Elberfeld, funded by the German National Research Foundation) at the University of Hildesheim. In January 2021, she successfully completed her habilitation project (qualification for professorship) at the University of Kassel and received the Venia Legendi in the field of aesthetics and general theory of art (Ästhetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft). She is currently Privatdozentin in the Department of Art History and Aesthetics at the University of Kassel.

Her interests include intercultural philosophy, phenomenology, aesthetics, art theory, image theory, media culture and design theory. She pays particular attention to sensitivities in the environment (Befindlichkeiten in Umgebung), which are shaped by natural, cultural and technological factors, as well as by contemporary processes of mediatisation. One of her newly developed interests is contemporary Buddhist philosophy with an intercultural and practical orientation. In this context, she collaborates with the Taiwan branch of Siddhartha's Intent (https://siddharthasintent.org/) and the German Foundation for Funeral Culture through seminars, workshops, lectures, etc.

Assistant Secretary General of the International Association for Aesthetics (IAA), Vice President of the German Society for Interdisciplinary Image Science (GIB), Board Member of the German Society for Interdisciplinary Image Science (GIB), Member of the Atmoboard (chaired by Prof. Dr. Tonino Griffero), Board Member of the German Society for Aesthetics (DGAE) (2018–2021)

Editor-in-Chief (with Enea Bianchi) of the Annual of the International Association for Aesthetics (IAA) (in collaboration with Brill), Associate Editor of the Art Style | Art & Culture International Magazine (New York/São Paulo), Member of the International Advisory Board of the English journal Contemporary Aesthetics (CA) (Barrington), Member of the Editorial Board of the journal "IMAGE"

Reviewer for the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF), Palgrave Macmillan (London), Lexington Books (Washington DC), Open Philosophy (De Gruyter), AM Journal of Art and Media Studies (Belgrade), Art Style | Art & Culture International Magazine (New York/São Paulo), Academia Letters.

CV Wang